An industrial research centre with oat in focus

Who we are

Passionate about oat, we are working together, for more knowledge and products

What we do

In six work packages, from genome to healthy, sustainable products and tests in a wet milling pilot plant, scientists and companies work together to get knowledge and new, innovative products

3rd Food Oats Conference 2025

We are happy to announce that the 3rd Food Oats Conference will take place in Leuven, Belgium between October 12 and 14, 2025. The conference is hosted by KU Leuven.

If you want to get informed about updates on the conference, subscribe to mailing list.

“Our goal is to develop food industry using oat as the fundamental ingredient”

– CEO, Leif Bülow

Our ambition with ScanOats is to take a world-leading role in the development of unique products and applications based on oat. The centre will form a link between advanced basic research and industrial applications. This dual approach will benefit Swedish industry, society and agriculture in terms of new knowledge, new products, improved health, a more sustainable environment, increased exports and new jobs. Through the unifying force that ScanOats will provide, we expect that a variety of products and innovations will be delivered partly through members’ activities and partly by ScanOats directly.

Our goals
  • ​Develop new oat varieties
  • Develop new ingredients
  • Promote cultivation of oats
  • Increase the number of application areas
  • Double the exports of oat based products
  • Educate 8-12 experts, start 1-2 companies and create >100 new jobs​
Who we are

Lund University and Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) together with Lantmännen and Oatly AB working in a strong collaboration with each other.


ScanOats is managed by a Centre Board represented by Lantmännen and Oatly. Both companies with a long tradition and experience of working with oat and oat products. The day-to-day management is handled by a Centre director.

New PhD thesis from ScanOats

Mohammad Mukul Hossain defended June 13th his thesis Health Benefits of Oat (Avena Sativa) Bioactives: Acute and Second-meal Effects of Oat Polar Lipids and Beta-glucans

New PhD thesis from ScanOats

Siri Norlander defended 10th of November her thesis Harvesting the Health Potentials of Oat Fibre: Xylanase bioprocessing of Arabinoxylan

Read the popular science summary…

New PhD thesis from ScanOats

Alfia Khairullina defended 29th of September her PhD thesis Controlling Fusarium head blight in oat.

Read the popular science summary…

ScanOats gets its first PhD

Nikos Tsardakas Renhuldt defended 1st of September his PhD thesis Annotating and making use of the Avena sativa cv. Sang reference genome. Read the popular science summary…

Havrens hela genuppsättning publicerat i tidskriften Nature

Nu har forskare på ScanOats och CropTailor i Lund kartlagt och karakteriserat havrens hela genuppsättning

Foto: Johan Lindvall

Emulsi Biotech's innovative oat lipid solutions

Emulsi Biotech AB was funded by researchers at Lund University, as a spin-off company from research conducted within ScanOats on the exciting oat lipids. The company aims to revolutionize oral drug delivery by introducing… » Read more

Nytt centrum för livsmedelsberedskap får 60 miljoner kronor

Lunds universitet får 60 miljoner från Formas utlysning Centrumbildningar för ökad beredskap och konkurrenskraft i livsmedelssystemet, för bildandet av centrum för livsmedelsberedskap i kris och krig. Cecilia Tullberg, forskare i bioteknik och WP-ledare i ScanOats leder och samordnar det nya centret.
Foto: Johan Lindvall

ScanOats utvecklar framtidens hälsosamma havre

Forskningscentrumets ambition är att ta en världsledande roll i utvecklingen av unika produkter och applikationer med goda hälsoeffekter baserade på havre. Framtidens Forskning, nr 1, 2024

Meet ScanOats work packages leaders

Meet ScanOats work packages leaders Sofia Marmon, Alfredo Zambrano, Johanna Wetterlind (not pictured), Cecilia Tullberg, Lieselotte Cloetens and Martin Hedström…

ScanOats R&D

1] The oat genome

2] New oat varieties

3] Sustainable oat cultivation

4] Oat processing

Oat diets

5] Oat diet for disease prevention

Oat diets

6] The Pilot plant